Sunday, June 1, 2014


Lately, I became busy on finishing my video editing for my Last CMV (Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe TAG Ver.). It is now 85% now overall, I think. The video is very hard to do because of the masking, and insufficient shots that I did. Haha, I'm so careless.

So these are my tasks today and assignments:

The first post-it paper states:

"9am - 12nn = vid editing (Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe)
1pm or 3pm - 5:30pm = programming (learning javascript)
5:30pm - 6:30pm = practicing on singing
6:30pm - 9:00pm = programming (continuation)
9:00 = sleep"

While the second post-it states:

"BASICON = finished
TREDTWO = finished
Game Lab"

So hard to balancing these things actually. Programming and vid editing weren't the same, and I am having a hard time focusing because of it. I can't manage to finish the CMV. I wish I can finish the cover on Thursday or Friday so that I can now focus on programming!!

At 5:30pm, I went on our rooftop to take a practice again. I missed singing.

It's good day though.

and this turtle wanders again haha.

After an hour, after I finished singing, I suddenly saw this figure :

The actual figure of that before is like a train. I can't manage to take a pic of it very nicely because of that post haha.

And what's make me laugh is this picture:

That guy figure looks like he summoned that thing:

Maybe it's so hard to understand though, but I wish you can tell me that I'm not weird xDD

I was grateful for the fact that I manage my time right now to do what I want and what should I do. I wish I'll continue this later on!


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