Thursday, August 21, 2014

What my brother will give to me

is this:

I didn't wish one that he'll buy one for me!

And he bought lenses!
24 to 105mm f4 aperture

40mm 2.8 aperture pancake lens
70 to 300mm telephoto lens
I was really thankful when he'll give this to me!
I don't know when can we received this, but he'll try to use it for a while to test it how it goes!

So excited!

But what makes me more excited is this:

BLUE = Me ;; WHITE = My brother

Me: Maybe it's heavy, right?
Me: This is eldes
Brother: No, it's not heavy, especially the small and cute one
Brother: That's perfect for your portraits
Me: I wish I should have been studied on CSB (College of Saint Benilde) [Note 1]
Me: hahahaha
Me: Only studio lights were left, right?
Brother: Yeah
Brother: But this camera still have no flash
Brother: We still need to buy one.
Me: Pa, Here I am, I'll now be a multimedia student [Note 2]

Note 1: CSB is known on artistic courses, mainly Multimedia. What they do most of the time is to shoot, and make videos. CSB is also infront of DLSU (where I'm currently studying, De La Salle University), and where I should have been studied if I didn't managed to pass DLSU.

Note 2: My father was in downstairs and he still holds our iPod for talking with my brother, I talked my brother through PC on that time, and since my father currently holding our iPod, I texted my father that one to make a joke with him.

Well, Studio lights are what I'm waiting for!~~ I wish he'll give it to me!
Now we have 3 cameras in total! Wow, now I can make more angles! xDD

Really thanks for my brother! Didn't expect for this!

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