Monday, November 24, 2014

Kumpil 2014 (Sacrament of Confirmation)

my name <3

Last November 17, I had a special event to attend to. A very special event indeed, haha!

My mother forgot to have camera, so, my sponsor was the one who took a picture of me! Thank you Dai An Li!

putting oil in my forehead

They told me before that I should be the one present this candle, and I got Wisdom!~
(I forgot when did I do this haha. I think Prayers of the Faithful)

Later on, the Father blessed those pendants~ I didn't know that they'll these to us.
Well, I don't know why they to gave us that.


It fits me!

After the mass, we ate~~ So many people!

well, a food <3 haha
And yea, my mother and I ate together, haha
We went home by 8pm, and it was very tiring! Too glad that we rode in a skip train!~


They said that if you've been confirmed by the Holy Spirit, you'll be stronger now to spread the Good News.

Well, starting that day until now, I'm very optimistic, and free from any problems! Although there are things that I need to worry about, I'm always on focus on what should I do!~

I wish that it'll be forever like this! I don't want to suffer again like last time cause I don't have time now to make audios, sing, dance, and do academic projects if I get emotional problem again!!



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