Saturday, November 22, 2014

Geek Fair 2014

I haven't posted since then due to busy schedules!!

Now, I'm resting for a bit to continue on my programming project.
I suddenly remembered that I didn't update my blog!

Last week, we had this Geek Fair! It's really FUN~

my org mates with other people playing haha

The game that I finished until the last minute. So tiring!!

ughh, I dunno how to rotate here via blogspot!!
What's happening out there? Let me see..

They're dancing.. for what? haha!

I'll miss this one!
 The Geek Fair lasted for a almost week (from November 10-13) to commemorate CCS Month. It wasn't really as expected that there'll be people who's willing to play our games, and of course, as being part of a developer who already participated to make 2 games, I was very thankful that they enjoyed it so far!

Thank you so much! I'll miss being part of DGDL (DLSU Game Development Laboratory)!!

I should stop writing for a while! It will be VERY LONG if I posted all of what happened since last week!

So stay tuned to see more events that I participated!

PS: If you want to see the games that I participated, I'll give you the link! :

Please leave comment if you want to say something about the games that I participated, thank you!


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