Tuesday, July 15, 2014

3 THINGS that I DID before and after

This is a PC. And we're going to assemble it.

Yesterday, we had a laboratory again about hardware, and this is our lesson~ I was really stressed upon making this since I have no background on these things, yet it became fun in the end.

Our motherboard~~
 I was being told by our professor that what I did was successful, though it didn't test if this would run, I was still happy for the fact that I did all correct because the instructions were on the video that we're watching while assembling so I had troubles at first to follow the video~!

End output~~ Yayyy for meee!!
Last weekend, I was helping out my friend designing his game for our next game's development. This was his last game that he made before and now since we'll have another new project upon making, so this one will be served as a mini-game of our main game!~

I was so proud that I designed this one~~ But oops, it's not yet really finished yet!
So I bet that there'll have more improvements if I'll be free!!~ and I guarantee that!


Lastly is this one:

 I was extremely excited when I saw one of the orgs offered Language Tutorials for free! And guess what.

I must tell you, I was really really happy with this!

Last year, I joined in this program, but sadly, my schedules were busy that I only had 1 meeting with my tutor (well she's really a Japanese! And I was really speechless when I talk to her!)

But right now, Since the schedules are OK, I will really pursue into this one!

Right now I'm getting better on Japanese, it's not like I know most of the basics, but distinguishing Hiragana helps a lot before you proceed into proper lesson! I'm not yet that perfect there but mostly I can now understand Hiragana (not translated)!~ So what I'm studying today is Katakana
(Well, I wish Kanji will be ok for mee </3)

Yayy, tomorrow we'll have no classes, so I'll study for my algebra exam!!~


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