Saturday, March 8, 2014

Back to sing KPOP songs

I would like to start this post with my Filipino Version of Let it Go

On the past few days I was being featured again by
Look here at:
I was shocked also when someone commented on my Hot Summer Cover:
Really happy that someone even appreciate this one! I was like WOW I DON'T EVEN HAVE MIC AT THAT TIME BUT SOMEONE LOVES THE WAY THAT I SANG THAT! Really happyyy~~~~
You can see the song here: 

Anyway, back to the Let it Go cover. I was accused many times because of the copyright infringement, but it's ok now as you see.

Honestly speaking, I can't hit notes on that song, which my parents (especially my mother) suggested me to sing English songs again to let my voice range go up again. So later part this year (if I'm really already get rid of my past), I will publish instrumental + song covers of an English song. But for now, I'll sing KPOP songs since KPOP requires high range of voice, that's what I really lacked into.

But I'll not yet quit on singing JPOP. Singing KPOP/English/OPM is just to train my voice to sing on higher range, but I still sing JPOP more.~


Wanna hear my SOON-TO-BE Cover of 2NE1-Crush?


It's really a rush short cover. I didn't even manage to finish it on the first chorus since my brother was already there. xd I sang for 30 minutes ajskdlasjd NOT ENOUGH!

This is my SECOND time covering 2NE1 songs. The last cover that I did is I Love You (2012) xd Time flies so fast. =.=
Haha, I even learned the song at that time xDD So forgive me!

anyway, see ya again!!~~


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